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TRY Baseball & Season Launch

SAVE THE DATE 📅 Sunday 28 August is #NorthRydeRams 2022/2023 Season Launch! Join us at Magdala Park for an all day baseball extravaganza!

9am-12pm: RHBL Level A Coaching Course

11am-3pm: RedStitches van fully stocked with baseball gear

12pm-2pm: Try Baseball Day + T-Ball & Zooka training & trial games

2pm-4pm: Rookies, Minors, Majors, JL & SL training

Our relaunched canteen will be OPEN, filled with the snacks you voted for in our recent survey & pumping out bacon, eggs & sausages all day 🍳🥓

Players - Pick up your Rams jersey & visit the Red Stitches van to complete your uniform 👕

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